2023 Youth Fest Grants Announced

I’m delighted to see that several groups in the Southern Metro region have received grants for the 2023 Youth Fest. Youth Fest is a month-long celebration in September, which provides grants of up to $2,000 for eligible organisations to host events, led by and for young people. It provides opportunities to showcase talents, grow networks and connect with peer.

Successful applicants in Southern Metro include:

  • Press Start Convention: Press Start is a social gaming group in Glen Eira. Taking inspiration from ‘Comic Con’, the event will encourage people to connect through a shared passion for gaming.

  • Take the Stage: Take the Stage is a podcast and video series amplifying young people. The overarching theme of the program is ‘celebrating diversity and inclusion’, with a focus on young people’s living experiences.

  • We are SHARC Mural Project: The SHARC Mural Project will explore identify, place, and relationships, with a group of young people who are attending services at the Self-Help Addition Resource Centre. It will culminate in a large mural that will be placed in the group program room.

  • Sparkways Mentoring Program Graduation: The Sparkways Mentoring Program by TRY Australia pairs youg people in the child protection system with positive adult role model mentors. The funding will help them to host a graduation celebration.

  • P81 Pop Up Event: Kingston Youth Services P81 event will feature food trucks, live music, and activities encouraging people to socialise and connect in a safe and inclusive space.

I can’t wait to see what the groups are able to do with the funding, and to attend some of the events that are going on throughout September.


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